• How Can God Send Good People To Hell?

    It’s a difficult question: If God is all-loving, why would he judge people and condemn them to suffer in hell? (This is the follow-up discussion

  • Injustice and Hypocrisy

    Acts of injustice and hypocrisy within the church, especially historically, often drive people away from Jesus. How do we, who are less than perfect, present

  • Why Is The Church Responsible For So Much Injustice?

    A criticism often voiced against the church is, Why are Christians such hypocrites? They don’t practice what they preach. Interestingly, the Bible also has that

  • Urban Hope

    From Urban Hope: What has drawn many of us to become followers of Jesus is the simple fact that He loved us first. Urban Hope

  • Where Is God In The Midst Of Pain?

    Where Is God In The Midst Of Pain? That’s a difficult question for most of us, even as believers. How can we respond when non-believers

  • Why Does God Allow Suffering?

    If God is all-powerful and all-loving, how can there be so much suffering in the world? The dilemma: either He can’t fix it, so He’s

  • Follow Jesus

    Jesus said that anyone who wanted to follow him had to take up their cross: to seek God’s way rather than our own way. For

  • Christ Is Better (Hebrews 1)

    The central theme of Hebrews is that Christ is better than anything else. Graeme explains how the “anything else” is a very high standard to

  • Unity For The Church

    The first half of Ephesians chapter 4 lists seven reasons we have unity in the Church: One body One Spirit One hope One Lord One

  • Foundations For Living

    What gives God the right to tell me how to live my life? Why are there so many rules?