Recent Sermons

  • Growing up in Jesus

    Ray Jones speaks on Ephesians 4 about learning to grow up spiritually and how not to be a pain in the neck to other believers. He speaks about the unity we have in Christ, how to die to self, and how to grow up into full maturity in Christ. We

  • Guarding the Heart

    The things we harbour in our heart, pride, rejection and rebellion, prevent us from running the race God has laid out for us. Listen as Greg presents four fences we can build around our heart to protect us so we can thrive in the life of faith.

  • Favouritism and Discrimination in the Church

    The apostle James warns the believers not to accept only people like us, while rejecting those who are not the same as us.

  • Alpha Series: Who Is The Holy Spirit?

    From the Alpha Series: “The Holy Spirit gives new life, a newfound sense of family and unity, and new power to follow Christ. The Holy Spirit not only transforms our character, but gives us the ability to be a blessing to others as well.” Link to Alpha video.