Recent Sermons

  • Romans Part Two – The Heart of God’s Plan

    In light of the problem the whole world has (which you can hear about by listening to the previous message, on Feb 9), Rob continues his overview in the letter to the Romans, showing that the solution is the righteousness found in and unveiled by the Lord Jesus. Using Rom

  • Romans – Part One – The Problem

    The book of Romans unpacks the Gospel but this “good news” starts with a problem.  Humankind has turned away from God and no one is exempt from a share in this rebellion. The Gospel, then, is God’s powerful plan to restore a broken creation.  Though Jew and Gentile come from

  • Jesus Says: Serve

    Jesus’ instructions on serving others in humility go against our pride and self-image, as true today as when he spoke to his disciples. We want to be seen as valued and important and respected, but Jesus commands us to serve others with the mindset that they are more important than

  • Jesus Says: Sins and Forgiveness

    Jesus had some challenging things to say about forgiving others, setting right the wrongs we have done to others and reconciling with those who have wronged us.