God had a perfect plan for introducing His son to the world, featuring people who were perfectly ready to carry it out: Zechariah and Elizabeth,
Introduction To The Gospels
The book of Hebrews starts out by saying, “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various
Beacon Bible Camp
Beacon Bible Camp is a non-profit organization that exists to provide an adventurous Christian camping experience where people, particularly youth, can be encouraged to respond
God Chooses a Bride
Ezekiel 16 and 23. You’ve probably never heard a sermon on these chapters, and maybe you’ve never even read them. The delight God has in
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul urges Euodia and Syntyche to “be like-minded”, or just get along with each other. Given our tendency to
The Redeemer
The nameless “close” relative of Ruth 4 was only interested in the material wealth represented by a piece of land. He wasn’t interested in the
A Marriage Proposal
Starting from a hopeless situation, Ruth’s faithfulness to Naomi reflects God’s enduring faithfulness to His people. It results in this unusual marriage proposal from Ruth
Turning Conversations, Part 2
When the conversation turns to spiritual matters, it helps to focus on the BIGS: Beginnings, Insight, the Greatest problem, and the Solution. The apostle Paul
Withstanding Attack
There is a complexity to Satan’s attacks on believers that requires us to be fully prepared if we are to successfully defend against those attacks.
Belonging in the Local Church
Why is it important to be committed to a local church? It’s partly because only in a local church can we fulfill all the “one