• A Sincere Faith

    There are so many things that can lead us into fear: broken relationships, suffering, loss of freedom, unanswered prayer. And yet God has given us

  • Standard of Godliness

    After expounding on godliness throughout the letter of 1 Timothy, the apostle Paul concludes with a final chapter describing how godliness applies to everyday living.

  • How We Treat Others

    Continuing his instructions to Timothy, the apostle Paul teaches us how to treat others in the church, and perhaps it’s no surprise to hear that

  • The Mystery of Godliness

    Paul continues his instructions to Timothy, telling him to pursue godliness. What does that mean for us, considering “we have set our hope on the

  • Requirements of Leaders

    Leadership training is big business these days, but the apostle Paul has a set of criteria for leaders in the church that is just as

  • 1 Timothy 2

  • Introduction to Timothy

    The apostle Paul wrote two letters to Timothy, his protégé. Timothy had travelled extensively with Paul, and had co-authored several of Paul’s other letters. Now

  • Encouragement for the Believer in the New Year

    The apostle Paul has some encouraging words for the Philippian church that we can take to heart ourselves as we step into a new year.

  • David & Goliath

    Everybody surrounding David, friend and foe alike, saw someone small and totally out of place, not up to the job at all. But as 1

  • Fear, Faith and Prayer

    What are you afraid of? At the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reassured his followers that they need not fear, because their heavenly Father would