Continuing his instructions to Timothy, the apostle Paul teaches us how to treat others in the church, and perhaps it’s no surprise to hear that
The Mystery of Godliness
Paul continues his instructions to Timothy, telling him to pursue godliness. What does that mean for us, considering “we have set our hope on the
Requirements of Leaders
Leadership training is big business these days, but the apostle Paul has a set of criteria for leaders in the church that is just as
Introduction to Timothy
The apostle Paul wrote two letters to Timothy, his protégé. Timothy had travelled extensively with Paul, and had co-authored several of Paul’s other letters. Now
Encouragement for the Believer in the New Year
The apostle Paul has some encouraging words for the Philippian church that we can take to heart ourselves as we step into a new year.
David & Goliath
Everybody surrounding David, friend and foe alike, saw someone small and totally out of place, not up to the job at all. But as 1
Fear, Faith and Prayer
What are you afraid of? At the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reassured his followers that they need not fear, because their heavenly Father would
What Jesus Said About Treasure
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34 The Gospel of Luke records a series of parables, or stories, Jesus
Jesus’ Words Are Life
Do you have a sense of what was important to Jesus as he talked to others? For example, did you know Jesus talked as much