Going all the way back to the beginning, to Eve’s experience in the garden, by human reasoning there was no reason not to eat the
How Can God Send Good People To Hell?
It’s a difficult question: If God is all-loving, why would he judge people and condemn them to suffer in hell? (This is the follow-up discussion
Injustice and Hypocrisy
Acts of injustice and hypocrisy within the church, especially historically, often drive people away from Jesus. How do we, who are less than perfect, present
Why Is The Church Responsible For So Much Injustice?
A criticism often voiced against the church is, Why are Christians such hypocrites? They don’t practice what they preach. Interestingly, the Bible also has that
Urban Hope
From Urban Hope: What has drawn many of us to become followers of Jesus is the simple fact that He loved us first. Urban Hope
Where Is God In The Midst Of Pain?
Where Is God In The Midst Of Pain? That’s a difficult question for most of us, even as believers. How can we respond when non-believers
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
If God is all-powerful and all-loving, how can there be so much suffering in the world? The dilemma: either He can’t fix it, so He’s
Follow Jesus
Jesus said that anyone who wanted to follow him had to take up their cross: to seek God’s way rather than our own way. For
Christ Is Better (Hebrews 1)
The central theme of Hebrews is that Christ is better than anything else. Graeme explains how the “anything else” is a very high standard to
Unity For The Church
The first half of Ephesians chapter 4 lists seven reasons we have unity in the Church: One body One Spirit One hope One Lord One