The Writing on the Wall

“The writing is on the wall” is a common expression representing a portent of inevitable doom, much the same as it did in the original event in Daniel chapter 5.

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Through The Fire

In Daniel chapter 3, the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego is not about the dilemma of bowing down to the king’s statue or defying the king. It’s about the

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Nebuchadnezzar’s Vision

“College Graduate Encounters Executioner First Day On The Job!” might have been the headlines in the Babylon Daily, following the events of Daniel chapter 2. The king had asked his

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The Incarnation

At Christmas we celebrate the Word becoming flesh, God becoming human, born the conventional way into an ordinary world, surrounded by ordinary people. In doing so, God reaffirmed that humanity

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The Wise Men

So who were those wise men that showed up out of nowhere to bring gifts to baby Jesus? They’re often popularized in contemporary culture as three kings riding camels, but

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Your Body Matters

In this season when we celebrate the Incarnation, the God who walked among us, Viji reminds us that our body, and what we do with it, matters to God. In

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E3 Update

Greg gives an update on his work with E3: Evangelizing, Equipping believers and Establishing churches.

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