Well Equipped

You’ve probably heard many sermons on the Armour of God, but how does that armour translate to real, everyday life? There’s a tendency to a one-size-fits-all approach: here it is,

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Our Identity In Christ

The world’s script starts with Achievement and moves on to Significance, Identity, and finally Acceptance. But Christ’s script goes in the opposite direction, starting with Acceptance. Listen as Greg explains

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RV Hope Tour

A team from e3 Canada took some RVs on a tour of northern Ontario in September, training and equipping churches along the way. Many responded to the gospel, were baptized

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Giving Thanks

Many view gratitude as an admirable and important quality. The Apostle Paul, however, had much more to say regarding thankfulness, and in his letter to the church in Ephesus, he

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The Book of Job

Job went from great wealth and influence and prosperity to losing it all in a single day. How that came about can say a lot more about us than we’d

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How to Cure Hypocrisy

The Bad Guys of the New Testament were the Pharisees. They were Jesus’ main antagonists, arguing about the law and about righteousness from keeping the law. The Pharisees started out

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Forgiveness, Part 2

The Bible is abundantly clear, in both the Old and New Testaments, that God is merciful and forgiving, even to us who are undeserving. God’s forgiveness is all-encompassing and permanent.

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