Troublesome Times

What do you do in troubled times, when the world around you is unsettled? Paul has some advice for Timothy: hold on to Scripture, persevere in your faith, look to

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Coaching The Race

Paul’s first letter to Timothy was about instructions to the church, whereas his second letter was about instructions to Timothy personally. Here Paul resembles a coach, guiding Timothy (and us)

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A Sincere Faith

There are so many things that can lead us into fear: broken relationships, suffering, loss of freedom, unanswered prayer. And yet God has given us a Spirit of Power, Love

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Standard of Godliness

After expounding on godliness throughout the letter of 1 Timothy, the apostle Paul concludes with a final chapter describing how godliness applies to everyday living.

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How We Treat Others

Continuing his instructions to Timothy, the apostle Paul teaches us how to treat others in the church, and perhaps it’s no surprise to hear that it boils down to interacting

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The Mystery of Godliness

Paul continues his instructions to Timothy, telling him to pursue godliness. What does that mean for us, considering “we have set our hope on the living God, who is the

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Requirements of Leaders

Leadership training is big business these days, but the apostle Paul has a set of criteria for leaders in the church that is just as counter-cultural in our day as

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Introduction to Timothy

The apostle Paul wrote two letters to Timothy, his protégé. Timothy had travelled extensively with Paul, and had co-authored several of Paul’s other letters. Now Paul was giving instructions on

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