David & Goliath

Everybody surrounding David, friend and foe alike, saw someone small and totally out of place, not up to the job at all. But as 1 Samuel frequently remarks, the Lord

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Fear, Faith and Prayer

What are you afraid of? At the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reassured his followers that they need not fear, because their heavenly Father would care for them, just as

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Serving With Ethnos

John explains what he and his family are doing to help missions in Papua New Guinea, and how Ethnos helps local churches mobilize, equip, and coordinate missionaries to more than

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Can You See Clearly?

The Gospel of Mark, the shortest of the Gospels, prefaces its two main narrative pivots with the healing of a blind man. With remarkable irony, both examples demonstrate how the

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Rescuing Orphans in Kenya

Krista describes her experiences on a short-term missions trip to Kenya with her daughters. While there, they worked with people who are rescuing abandoned children in the urban slums of

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