The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is mentioned over a hundred times in the Gospels, several times in the book of Acts, and repeatedly in the epistles and the book of Revelation.

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Why Did Jesus Come?

At Christmas we commemorate Jesus’ coming to Earth as a baby. But why did He come? Follow throughout the Scriptures as we see how Jesus wanted us to understand and

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Revealing The Gift

At Christmas Jesus is sometimes portrayed as God’s gift to us. From that perspective, the Gift is slowly revealed throughout the Bible, a little at a time, until Jesus is

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The Kingdom is Coming

A significant future event is the Millennial Kingdom. It was hinted at right from the beginning, in Genesis, and described in detail by the prophets Isaiah and Daniel. Jesus touched

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The Rapture

Jesus promised His disciples He would return, and ever since believers have been looking forward to the day we will be reunited with Him. It has been a long wait,

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Who Is Jesus?

What do I do when Jesus says something different than what I expect? When His emphasis is different than mine? If you were asked to describe who Jesus is, what

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