Living In Community

What does it mean to live in community as a group of believers? Given that we’re all so different, how do we get along in unity in a world torn

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Missed Opportunities

Against all odds and the prevailing trends of the day, King Asa of Judah did everything right. His steadfast devotion to God brought 35 years of peace to the kingdom.

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Called Out of the World

Going through the Book of Revelation, people often focus on the disasters and wars and judgments that fill the middle of the book. And yet despite all the hardship, those

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Faith In Adversity

In the midst of difficult times, Naomi and her family left God’s people to try for a better life in Moab, the nation of Israel’s enemies. While there, she lost

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The Righteous One

We live in a world of upheaval, uncertainty and injustice. People align themselves to causes, especially if they don’t have to actually do anything and it doesn’t cost them anything.

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