A Living Hope

The extended isolation of the pandemic quarantine has left many in despair, and the uncertainty of the future has left them without hope. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6 that

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Alone With God

How difficult is it to set aside time to be with God? In Matthew 14, Jesus spent about seven hours one night in prayer. Meanwhile, there were other things going

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Jesus Says

In his final words to his disciples, Jesus told them they were going to need everything he’d said. So what did Jesus have to say about what he’d said? Listen

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Jesus’ Return

The Day of Christ is the day Jesus comes back for His people. We’re looking forward to the day when our time on earth is over and we go to

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All of Jesus

Jesus’ command to his disciples at the end of his earthly ministry was to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and

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Guard Your Heart

Even more important than our mind, the Bible instructs us to guard our heart. Starting with what we hold to heart, God wants our whole person to be healthy and

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