Purpose for Life

The purpose of Paul’s life was to know Christ. Not only the glorious and powerful and miraculous, but also the shame and suffering and death. Follow along as we go

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Pursuit of Holiness

The apostle Peter quotes Leviticus: “You shall be holy, because I am holy.” But what is God’s holiness, and how can we be holy ourselves? Listen and learn how we

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Mothers: God’s Gift

Motherhood brings its share of joys and responsibilities. It’s a role you’re often unprepared for, striving to fulfill despite the shortcomings of imperfect people in an imperfect world. And yet

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We sometimes make the distinction between joy, as a deeply spiritual thing, and happiness, as a merely secular thing. But the words for joy, happiness, delight, gladness, are used interchangeably

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Psalm 101

Note: This was part of our virtual Sunday service on Zoom. Please contact us if you’d like to join in with our virtual services.

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Easter Perspectives: Mary

Mary Magdalene was such a nondescript, ordinary person. And yet she had the extraordinary experience of being the first to see Jesus alive, risen from the dead. Why? Perhaps because

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