Christ at the Centre

The Pharisees knew the Scriptures better than anyone else, and yet they rejected Christ. Their focus was the Scriptures, not Christ. We can end up in the same boat if

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Witnesses to the Incarnation

When the angel appeared to Mary, she found herself unexpectedly thrust into a difficult and complicated situation: an unwed pregnant woman in a society where such things did not end

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The Wise Men

The Wise Men that came to see Jesus in Bethlehem did not have any knowledge of God, as far as we know, and yet God revealed to them the birth

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EQUIPPING God’s people to EVANGELIZE His world by ESTABLISHING healthy, multiplying, transformative churches everywhere. …go and make disciples of all nations… – Matthew 28:19

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Be Fruitful

The purpose of evangelism, the Great Commission, is to replicate God’s ways to all nations. Psalm 67 says, “May God show us his favour and bless us! May he smile

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Paul writes to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus, and his letter is a practical demonstration of how Jesus intercedes on our behalf before God the Father. Along the way he

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Unfair Authority

In the final chapters of Acts the apostle Paul has run-ins with the authorities at every level: local, regional, domestic, foreign, military, civilian. On every occasion he’s treated unfairly, but

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