Asaph’s lament in Psalm 73 is the opposite of Job’s dilemma. For Job the question was, Why do bad things happen to good people? For
Rescuing Orphans in Kenya
Krista describes her experiences on a short-term missions trip to Kenya with her daughters. While there, they worked with people who are rescuing abandoned children
Longing for the Presence of God
Psalm 84 speaks of blessedness, living in divine favour. But it may be surprising to find out how we get there: homesickness, followed by homelessness
From Fisherman to Fisher of Men
What does the apostle Peter have to say about growing in faith? Listen to an in-depth study of the first chapter of Peter’s second letter,
Three Words to Describe the End of Jesus Ministry
Rob Vandebelt summarizes the end of Jesus’s time and our reading with three words. Suffering, Kingdom and Waiting. He uses these three words that are
A Look at Judas Iscariot
Gordie takes a look at Judas Iscariot as a disciple and the difference between him and Jesus. He also walks through the upper room conversation
Marriage, Children, and The Last Shall Be First
Shane Johnson speaks from Mark 10 and Matthew 19 speaking about the topics of Marriage, Children and The First being the Last. In marriage he
The Good Shepherd’s Forgiving Heart
Today Peter discussed the attitude we should have as Christians & how serious Jesus is about us forgiving others as He forgave us. He reminds
The Christian Life is About Coming To See Who The Christ Is
Today Shane preached Mark 8 verse by verse with an emphasis on the Lord’s compassion & the Lord’s control. He reminds us that faith is
Who is Jesus?
It’s possible for us and common in our culture to think about Jesus’ coming as a distant historical episode that doesn’t make a difference in