
Gethsemane was the centre of Jesus’ emotional suffering as he made his way to the cross. Listen as Shane takes us through all the Gospel accounts of what Jesus endured

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To the Church in Thyatira

The letter to the church in Thyatira warns them that they are in grave spiritual danger. It’s a danger from within: the church is tolerating a false teacher who advocates

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What does it mean to have a contagious faith? Something that sticks to everyone you come into close proximity with? The apostle Paul had a lot to say about how

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A Life Transformed

“I didn’t stop robbing banks because I became a nice guy. I just didn’t enjoy being in prison.” Ted Nellis, 1981 But even out of prison, life became a self-imposed

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New Life Prison Ministries

The vision of New Life Prison Ministries is to reach every major correctional facility in Canada, to provide every person in prison the opportunity to know the Lord Jesus through

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Conflict in Community

Wherever you have a group of people there will be conflict, whether it’s in a family, workplace, school or church congregation. What is the Bible’s model for resolving that inevitable

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The Lord’s Supper

There are several occasions where the Gospels tell that Jesus acted passionately or emotionally. One of those occasions was the Passover meal he shared with his disciples the night before

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Operation Mobilization

Listen as Joel describes Operation Mobilization’s worldwide ministries in over 100 countries and onboard the ship Logos Hope, with evangelism, church planting, relief & development, justice, and mentoring & discipleship.

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