Who’s Wisdom?

How you view the cross of Christ will depend on your perspective. In his letter to the Corinthians the apostle Paul lists a variety of perspectives at odds with one

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Work to Glorify God

On Labour Day weekend (Yay! A day off work!) Gordie looks at God’s perspective on work, and how we can bring that perspective into our own working lives.

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The Supreme Son

Why is it so important that Jesus is God’s son? Marc takes us through verses in the Old and New Testaments that show how essential it was for God to

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Playing Favourites

A common view is that people who are financially well=off are blessed by God, and people who struggle to make ends meet are ignored by God. Follow along in James

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Mixing of Church and State

The Roman Emperor made Christianity the state’s official religion in 380 AD. The subsequent integration of church and state led to dilution and weakening of the Gospel, and to outright

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