The Church

Although “church” is often used to refer to a building, the Church is really the community of believers—a congregation of people. What does it look like to live in community

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Passionately Following Jesus

Passion can be defined as intense enthusiasm for someone or something. And there is a lot to be intensely enthusiastic about Jesus. Follow along with Richard as he illustrates many

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Jesus Is Lord!

In an era when a Roman soldier could commandeer any Jewish man to carry a load one mile for him, it is remarkable that the Roman centurion in Matthew 8

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The Bible

When looking for foundations of our faith, we can hardly get more basic than the Bible. It claims to be God’s word to us, but how confident are we of

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God’s Sovereignty

The key to a successful Christian life is to recognize God’s sovereignty over us, and in fact over the whole world. To submit ourselves to His will, to admit that

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The Infinite God

Our faith defines us as Christians, individually, and collectively as a church. But more than that, it is the all-wise, all-knowing, all-powerful, ever-present, infinite God who loves us and cares

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