We have a tendency to see others that don’t have the same religious practice as ours as “not doing it right”, and feel the need
Living Life on Mission
In good times and in bad, in persecution and in peace, the Christians of the early church lived a radical, no-holds-barred faith, characterized by patience,
The Immigrant
Stephen, Philip the evangelist and five others were picked to serve the neglected members of their community. When Stephen was brought in to the authorities
God is Present and Active
A key distinction of the early church was that the presence and intervention of God’s Holy Spirit was undeniable and unavoidable, even as the religious
The Day The Church Started
We start our summer series on the book of Acts with the day the Church began: Pentecost, when the disciples were filled with the Holy
The Dead Church
The letter to the church in Sardis in Revelation 3 is a fascinating look at a church that no longer strives for God and His
Missions: Drilling Wells in Zambia
Narration of a slide show of mission work in Zambia, of drilling wells in small villages in Africa to bring safe, clean water to communities
The Spirit of God
Churches sometimes get caught up in debates about the miraculous acts of the Holy Spirit. But what does the Bible have to say? What does
Passion for Christ
Do you have a passion for Christ? As Jesus’ follower and disciple, what does it look like to be committed to him? John the Baptist
Read and Obey God’s Word
Moses’ exhortation to the people of Israel at the end of Deuteronomy, to pay attention to God’s word and obey it, applies just as much