• You Are With Me – Psalm 23

    Psalm 23 is so familiar, and yet do we really take to heart its central message that God cares for us? This psalm is about

  • Be Fruitful

    In John 15, Jesus says, “My Father is honored by this, that you bear much fruit and show that you are my disciples.” Discipleship is

  • The Shrewd Steward

    The parable of the dishonest manager is confusing at first reading. Just what was Jesus trying to get across anyway? But there are some surprisingly

  • The Fear of the Lord

    Why should we fear the Lord? What are the attributes of God that should prompt us to approach Him in reverence and respect? Note: This

  • Discipleship

    The path to discipleship was well established in Jesus’ day: teachers only took on the best of the best as their students. Jesus took a

  • Spiritual Warfare

    With the story of Gideon as an example, learn some practical ways to take up the armour of God to fight the spiritual forces that

  • Balaam’s Way

    Maybe the most memorable part about Balaam’s story is that his donkey started talking to him. Without missing a beat, Balaam answered right back. But

  • A Mindset of Salvation

    In light of the unusual circumstances we find ourselves in, how do we “reject godless ways and worldly desires and live self-controlled, upright, and godly

  • Purpose for Life

    The purpose of Paul’s life was to know Christ. Not only the glorious and powerful and miraculous, but also the shame and suffering and death.

  • Created in God’s Image

    We were made to be a visible representation of God: “God created humankind in his own image”, in Genesis 1. Adam messed this up by