• The Control of God

    There are many events in the Bible where people sought to carry out their own evil intent, and were successful at it. And yet God’s

  • Real, Not Ritual

    Psalm 50 is somewhat unique in that God speaks for most of the psalm, and He’s giving us a warning: God is looking for what’s

  • Watch

    Jesus told us, “Watch”. The main purpose was to watch for His return, and Jesus’ emphasis was that we are to be alert and focused;

  • Restoring Eden

    There was a life we used to enjoy, walking daily with God through Eden in close relationship with Him. And then the fall changed everything.

  • Being Single

    What’s better: being single or being married? What does the Bible have to say about the it? The answer may surprise you!

  • Impossible Inadequacy

    The miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 is an amazing contrast between the impossible inadequacies of our own resources and the limitless generosity of

  • Spiritual Warfare

    Can a believer come under evil spiritual influence? What would that look like? And how can we guard against it? Listen to hear how king

  • Freedom Through Submission

    According to passages such as Romans 6 and 1 Peter 2, submission to God is a defining character trait for us as Christians. And we’re

  • Committed to Jesus

    To the apostle Paul, all his former accomplishments were now “liabilities compared to the far greater value of knowing Christ Jesus”. What things do you

  • The Great Value of Knowing Christ

    The apostle Paul had a lot of accomplishments he could boast about, but he put no stock in human credentials. His goal was knowing Christ,