Even more important than our mind, the Bible instructs us to guard our heart. Starting with what we hold to heart, God wants our whole
Effective Evangelism
Listen as Greg presents these practical steps to follow in evangelism: Pray for people. Watch out for people who encounter God, where it opens their
Repentance is the Path to Revival
Listen as Greg outlines four steps to spiritual revival. His challenge: What are you hearing from the word of God, and are you obeying it?
The Reality of Christianity
Is Christianity real? Wrapping up this series on apologetics, Rob summarizes our confidence in Jesus’ resurrection, in the truth of the Bible, in God’s acts
The Truth About Atheists
What would you say if an atheist challenged your deepest convictions about God and the Bible? In this session Sean role plays an atheist, raises
Why I Believe (video series)
Scripture calls Christians to “be prepared” to give answers to anyone who asks about the faith. Are you prepared? Or do you feel ill-equipped? The
A Let-Us Diet
Peter Kerr takes us through seven “Let Us” commands in the Bible, directions to take our focus off ourselves and off the circumstances surrounding us,
A New Way of Seeing
Looking back at all that’s happened in 2020, it’s easy to get discouraged or afraid. On the eve of his betrayal, arrest and execution, Jesus
The Importance of Jesus’ Birth
Why was Jesus’ birth so important? The Bible gives us a lot of details about his birth, which is how we know that God considers
God Sees Me
Remember when the Lord spoke to the woman at the well? No, not the Samaritan woman. The first woman at the well, way back in