• Jesus Says

    In his final words to his disciples, Jesus told them they were going to need everything he’d said. So what did Jesus have to say

  • Jesus’ Return

    The Day of Christ is the day Jesus comes back for His people. We’re looking forward to the day when our time on earth is

  • All of Jesus

    Jesus’ command to his disciples at the end of his earthly ministry was to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the

  • The Resurrection—The Sign of Christianity

    Right from the start, when people wanted confirmation of the validity of Jesus’ message he gave them his future resurrection. Then everything came together as

  • Guard Your Heart, Part 2

    Continuing the message from last week, the goal is to have a pure, whole and tender heart. The Bible reminds us that the heart is

  • Guard Your Heart

    Even more important than our mind, the Bible instructs us to guard our heart. Starting with what we hold to heart, God wants our whole

  • Effective Evangelism

    Listen as Greg presents these practical steps to follow in evangelism: Pray for people. Watch out for people who encounter God, where it opens their

  • Repentance is the Path to Revival

    Listen as Greg outlines four steps to spiritual revival. His challenge: What are you hearing from the word of God, and are you obeying it?

  • The Reality of Christianity

    Is Christianity real? Wrapping up this series on apologetics, Rob summarizes our confidence in Jesus’ resurrection, in the truth of the Bible, in God’s acts

  • The Truth About Atheists

    What would you say if an atheist challenged your deepest convictions about God and the Bible? In this session Sean role plays an atheist, raises