• Daniel 8: A Ram, A Goat and A Horn

    Daniel 8 is a vision that outlines successive historical conquests and empires. First, the Medes and Persians conquered Babylon, about 11 years after Daniel had

  • A Life of No Compromise

    By the time we get to the famous account of Daniel in the lion’s den, Daniel is around 80 years old and has lived about

  • The Writing on the Wall

    “The writing is on the wall” is a common expression representing a portent of inevitable doom, much the same as it did in the original

  • Pride Is The King’s Downfall

    King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that terrified him, one that seemed to say that despite his political and military power he couldn’t control his own

  • Through The Fire

    In Daniel chapter 3, the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego is not about the dilemma of bowing down to the king’s statue or defying

  • Nebuchadnezzar’s Vision

    “College Graduate Encounters Executioner First Day On The Job!” might have been the headlines in the Babylon Daily, following the events of Daniel chapter 2.

  • Daniel 1: Standing With The God Who Is Present

    Starting a new series on Daniel, Rob takes us through the historical and cultural background that led up to Daniel and his friends being carried

  • The Incarnation

    At Christmas we celebrate the Word becoming flesh, God becoming human, born the conventional way into an ordinary world, surrounded by ordinary people. In doing

  • The Wise Men

    So who were those wise men that showed up out of nowhere to bring gifts to baby Jesus? They’re often popularized in contemporary culture as

  • Your Body Matters

    In this season when we celebrate the Incarnation, the God who walked among us, Viji reminds us that our body, and what we do with