Starting a new series on Daniel, Rob takes us through the historical and cultural background that led up to Daniel and his friends being carried
The Incarnation
At Christmas we celebrate the Word becoming flesh, God becoming human, born the conventional way into an ordinary world, surrounded by ordinary people. In doing
The Wise Men
So who were those wise men that showed up out of nowhere to bring gifts to baby Jesus? They’re often popularized in contemporary culture as
Your Body Matters
In this season when we celebrate the Incarnation, the God who walked among us, Viji reminds us that our body, and what we do with
The BibleāA Brief Interlude
It’s hard to get the big picture when you’re right in the middle of it. Focusing on one day at a time may make life
E3 Update
Greg gives an update on his work with E3: Evangelizing, Equipping believers and Establishing churches.
The Journey Out Of Self-Goodness
Like the rich young ruler in Luke 18, we like to think of ourselves as self-made people, successful because of our own talents, abilities and
The History of ESCF and The Church, Part 4
The final part in this series brings our history from far-away-global to right-here-local. Spanning the last 30 years, what have we learned in that time?
The History of ESCF and The Church, Part 3
In a whirlwind tour spanning 140 years, the history of the Brethren movement shows that church life is never as straightforward as people want it
The History of ESCF and The Church, Part 2
Continuing our series on the history of the Brethren movement, Rob leads us through a dark period of conflict and division in the mid- to