• Generations (Who Am I?)

    Setting a trail of clues, Len leads us through several generations of Judah’s kings, showing how faith is passed from one generation to the next.

  • The Wise Men

    The Wise Men that came to see Jesus in Bethlehem did not have any knowledge of God, as far as we know, and yet God

  • E3

    EQUIPPING God’s people to EVANGELIZE His world by ESTABLISHING healthy, multiplying, transformative churches everywhere. …go and make disciples of all nations… – Matthew 28:19

  • Be Fruitful

    The purpose of evangelism, the Great Commission, is to replicate God’s ways to all nations. Psalm 67 says, “May God show us his favour and

  • Intercession

    Paul writes to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus, and his letter is a practical demonstration of how Jesus intercedes on our behalf before God the

  • Why Did Joseph Reject Sin?

    Joseph consistently and persistently resisted sin. How did he do that, when we succumb again and again to the same sins and habits despite our

  • To The Church In Philadelphia

    The letter to the church in Philadelphia is a message for every small congregation that struggles to get by with limited resources. Jesus is the

  • Unfair Authority

    In the final chapters of Acts the apostle Paul has run-ins with the authorities at every level: local, regional, domestic, foreign, military, civilian. On every

  • A Lifestyle of Thankfulness

    A heart filled with the awe of the Lord, starting with the wonders of creation, from the countless stars to the innocence of an infant,

  • Heading Into Persecution

    It’s the beginning of the end for the apostle Paul, and much like the start of his story it’s wrapped in conflict and controversy and