• A Lifestyle of Thankfulness

    A heart filled with the awe of the Lord, starting with the wonders of creation, from the countless stars to the innocence of an infant,

  • Heading Into Persecution

    It’s the beginning of the end for the apostle Paul, and much like the start of his story it’s wrapped in conflict and controversy and

  • Jesus’ Care For You

    John 17, Acts 22 and Revelation 22 are the only places in the Bible where Jesus calls himself by his given name. He tells his

  • Reworking the Christian’s Condition

    In this second part on Colossians 3 (see “The Reality of the Christian’s Position”), the apostle Paul lists bad things to eliminate followed by good

  • The Battle Against Sin, Part 2

    In our battle against sin, it’s important to be prepared and to have a plan. In this second part, listen to how we can actually

  • The Battle Against Sin, Part 1

    The people of Israel were attacked from the rear by the Amalekites, leading to their first battle after escaping slavery in Egypt. They fought and

  • Mission to Poland

    Kevin describes leading short-term mission trips to Poland, teaching teens English and introducing them to God’s love and saving grace.

  • The Reality of the Christian’s Position

    Paul’s epistle to the Colossians says that as believers “you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault”. Given that

  • Knowing God Through Creation

    How do you get to know someone? God introduces himself through creation: “In the beginning God created”. Beginning with observing creation, listen to how we

  • Last Words

    Last words can say a lot about a person or a situation, Paul’s last words to the Ephesian Elders are very telling. We as a