Jesus Says
Turn and Become Like Children
A lot of people find it very difficult to come to God. Jesus pointed this
Replacing Old With New
You may be familiar with the passage in 2 Corinthians 5: “If anyone is in Christ,
The Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God is mentioned over a hundred times in the Gospels, several times
Who Is Jesus?
What do I do when Jesus says something different than what I expect? When His
Taking God at His Word
Jesse gives us some practical implications for believing and disbelieving that the Bible is God’s
How to Cure Hypocrisy
The Bad Guys of the New Testament were the Pharisees. They were Jesus’ main antagonists,
Jesus and The Law
How does Jesus see the law? Considering that the lawbreakers wanted to be close to
Jesus Says
In his final words to his disciples, Jesus told them they were going to need
All of Jesus
Jesus’ command to his disciples at the end of his earthly ministry was to “go
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