Year Of Jubilee

Today’s Reading: Ex. 23:10-11; Lev. 21:1-22:16; 25:1-34, 39-43, 47-55

I love family history. The Year of Jubilee seems to point to the importance of knowing who you are, where you come from, and who your ancestors are, regardless of where and who you are now. In the covenant Israel had with God, everyone had a place, and everyone was important. No matter how far removed (physically and/or emotionally) from your portion of the inheritance of Israel you were, you still had the rights to it! No contest! For me, there are two pieces of property that I’ve heard should still belong to my family legally (one in Leamington, Ontario, the other in Nova Scotia). However, through deception, contracts made with handshakes, and the like, these properties belong to others. There is no way we could win our rights back. This would never be the case in the ideal ancient Israel. Cool, eh?

The Year of Jubilee also speaks of second chances, and generational spiritual renewal.

Keep reading! But, better yet, keep applying!

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