Wise & Foolish Men

Today’s Reading: Proverbs 1:20-33; 2; 3:13-24; 4; 8:1-9:6,13-18

Last summer, Rob Vandebelt preached on the story of the wise man and the foolish man who built homes on a rock and on sandy ground respectively. The wise man is the one who hears God’s word and does it; the foolish man is the one who does not. He encouraged us at ESCF to be careful not to assume that we are the wise man all the time. It’s better to presume that we’re actually more like the foolish man than the wise man (I certainly am!).

This sound advice is pertinent as we begin the so-called “Wisdom Literature” of the Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Wisdom is not guaranteed to anyone! It does not necessarily come with age, experience, or education. A teenager can be wiser than a retired businessman! It’s not even guaranteed as a result of salvation from sin! It is something for which we must ask God, and it must be actively and relentlessly pursued in one’s life.

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