Stop and Pray

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 22:29-40,48-49,52-53; 2 Kings 1:2-18; 3:1-5; 2 Chronicles 19:1-11; 20:1-30,35-37

Jehoshaphat’s prayer in light of the enemy forces invading the land is one of my favourite stories in this era of Israelite history. Reading through the life of Jehoshaphat this time, I’m impressed with how he is quick to seek the Lord’s counsel whenever he doesn’t know what to do in a situation.

Rather than mobilizing the military, moving people to safer haven, or retreating, he stopped, assembled the people, prayed and then waited for His direction. The enemy forces were advancing on Judah and getting closer every minute! That didn’t seem to bother him.

How often we can find ourselves faltering and failing when we do not submit our sticky situation to the Lord and wait for His marching orders. With prayer and patience, we will see the deliverance the Lord will give us. Easier said than done, yes, but worth it in the end!

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