Solomon’s Coronation

Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 23:1-7; 1 Kings 1:1-53; 2:1-10; 1 Chronicles 29:23-25,28-30

Congratulations to everyone of you who read through the Psalms! If you have stalled in the readings, don’t fret(!), today’s reading is a great place to start again.

Important in today’s story of Solomon’s coronation and David’s death is that Solomon was God’s choice; he did not attempt to take it for himself (as Adonijah had tried). He was anointed king by the anointed priest, just outside Jerusalem (Gihon was a main water source for the city). Adonijah was also just outside the city of Jerusalem, but he held a banquet in his honour and made sacrifices at a place other than the tabernacle. Notice there was no anointing in his case.

For me, today, am I doing what God wants me to do, as He wants me to do it (like Solomon)? Or, am I just going about my day with my own agenda, doing it in my own way (like Adonijah)?

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