Share Your Experiences

Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 21:1-14; 24:1-9; 1 Chronicles 21-22; Psalm 30

Ever been travelling by yourself? It can be great fun to choose for yourself which hotel to stay at and where to have supper, etc. You can go at your own pace, stopping to see whatever catches your fancy.

Travelling solo comes with a drawback however: you don’t get to share your experiences with anyone else as you encounter them. It can get awfully lonely.

The same is true of Bible reading! It can be an amazing journey by oneself, yet it can be also lonely!

So, today, I encourage you to share something you’re learning from the Bible reading with someone else. Call them up, shoot them an email, send them a text, or chat with them in person. It doesn’t need to be a deep or long thought, just something you’ve learned. And it can be anyone: a spouse, other family member, co-worker, non-Christian, or even a complete stranger! (Maybe try sharing with someone with whom you don’t normally share!)

I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised as you share with and encourage them and are likewise encouraged. Happy sharing!

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