Setting A Good Example

Today’s Reading: Matthew 26:22-25, 30:35; Luke 22:14-21, 23-38; John 13-14

Do you feel any better reading New Testament, in comparison to Old Testament? I have difficulties in different sense. For Old Testament, I was having difficulties in understanding actual words, especially prophets (you recall, burning towers, four-faced animals). For New Testament, I am compelled to go back to Old Testament to refer and say “oh….”; and then I have to think about something very simple story, but has so much teaching in it. It takes me so much more time to chew on each verse!

For today’s reading, I could spend a week or so by reading each verse. It is so wonderful that I can recall different bible studies or conference I have attended on some of today’s verses as well. It makes my reading so much richer in reflecting each verse.

“I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” (John 13:15).

When I work at my office, one of the most difficult things to do is that I have to “model” for my staff, so that they will follow my example. I have to work hard first so that they will see me as their model; I have to be responsible for them first so that they will be accountable to me; I have to be positive, so that they can be positive. There are so many times I just want to quit – I just want to say, “hey, I just want to work by myself; it is too hard to model for you” or “do what I say, not what I do”. Don’t you feel that? Don’t you feel that with your children, with your co-workers or anyone you have work with you? Don’t you feel that it is actually worse when you have to model so that non-Christians could see us and say “wow! That’s what Christians are about”? I must say that I fall down on modeling all the time – I mean, all the time! I want to do better, of course, but I fall down so many times that I find it laughable that I am even trying. But, God can do that in me. whenever I fall down, the Spirit in us (John 14:16) will help us to model it better.

So I pray this morning – “Dear God, please strengthen me, help me and encourage me today, to model for my children, for my staff and for everyone else, so that You will be pleased with me.”

Would you join me in my prayer this morning?

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