• Foundation Stones For Spiritual Gifts

    How impressed are you with God and His plan? That will affect how effective you are with spiritual gifts. Follow along with the groundwork laid

  • Exercising Spiritual Gifts

    Last week we looked at using spiritual gifts in the context of the church, as a group of believers. This week we look at what

  • Christ, Our Head

    Spiritual gifts are given to all believers so that the Church, the body of Christ, may benefit, and so that Christ, the head of the

  • What Are Spiritual Gifts?

    1 Corinthians 12 explains how spiritual gifts are abilities given by God to all believers, to be used together for the good of others.

  • Spiritual Gifts

    God has promised spiritual gifts to every believer. These are not natural abilities, such as a talent for music, but supernatural capabilities that are used

  • Talents

    Regardless of our abilities, big or small, God expects us to use them for His kingdom. We start this series on Spiritual gifts looking at

  • Let Brotherly Love Continue

    Spending time with other Christians is essential to maintain a healthy faith. We may not always get along with our fellow believers, but the Bible

  • Surgeon in Kenya

    Rachel describes a four-week stint as a surgeon at a remote hospital in the mountains of Kenya.

  • Discipline Through Suffering

    In the Old Testament God’s blessing was represented by prosperity. The New Testament flips this around: God’s blessing is represented by suffering. Suffering is not

  • Baptism

    We gather as a community to witness the baptism of believers, as a public acknowledgement that Jesus is their saviour and God is Lord of