God's Direction
Taking Stock of Your Life
Dennis Purcell takes a look at Psalm 39 and how David was reflecting on his
The Return
At the destruction of Jerusalem, the people of Judah went into exile in Babylon. When
The Control of God, Part 2
We often focus so closely on the superficial circumstances of our present that we lose
The Control of God
There are many events in the Bible where people sought to carry out their own
Balaam’s Way
Maybe the most memorable part about Balaam’s story is that his donkey started talking to
Be Fruitful
The purpose of evangelism, the Great Commission, is to replicate God’s ways to all nations.
Unfair Authority
In the final chapters of Acts the apostle Paul has run-ins with the authorities at
Heading Into Persecution
It’s the beginning of the end for the apostle Paul, and much like the start
Last Words
Last words can say a lot about a person or a situation, Paul’s last words
Different Ways of Winning for Jesus
Continuing on with Paul and Silas’s Second missionary journey, from Antioch to Athens. We find