Rebels & Malcontents

Today’s Reading: Num. 16 – 18

Here we go again…. Moses was challenged – “Why then do you set yourselves above the Lord’s assembly?” I love Moses’ answer: “…that the Lord has sent me to do all these things and that it was NOT MY idea…” Yeah, it was not his idea, if you recall how much he tried to get out of this job by saying “please send someone else” on Day 22!

But, did the people learn the lesson? No! After the rebel were swallowed up by the earth alive, “the NEXT day the whole Israelite community grumbled against Moses and Aaron” – are you kidding? Not even 24 hours!!! As the Lord punishes them, Moses and Aaron interceded again, atoning for their sins & pleading for lives of the Israelite. Wow! Can you imagine to plead for someone who hates you and even wants to kill you? Moses obviously figures out on how to love as we learnt during 40 days of Love!

The Lord then addresses about the tithing specifically. “You must present as the Lord’s portion the best and holiest part of everything given to you.” This verse does make me ponder if I am in fact giving my “best and holiest part” of everything he has provided for me.

Here comes my “digging” questions for the day:

  1. Are you “rebelling” against the God’s chosen leadership? Or are you differentiating between “rebelling” and “helpful feedback” or is it just your poor attempt to split a hair?
  2. Are you giving your “best and holiest part” of everything God has given to you to God and his “Tent” maintenance?

Before you wonder, the correct answers are “NO” and “YES”; if not, you still got next 15 hours to work at your answers!

Did you notice that today is our 40th day of reading? Congratulation to you all!

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