Legal Wrangling

Today’s Reading: Acts 21:17-23:35

I find this reading quite fascinating due to my occupational hazard (in law). How Paul outsmarted one party after another, by using their own rules! It also saddens me to read this passage because this reminds me so much more what Christ had gone through as well – I am sure if Paul hear it he would say “I am so blessed I am compared to Christ”!

“The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said “Take Courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.”” — Wow… have you ever had such encounter in your life – “the Lord stood near” you and said “Take Courage!” I hate to say, but I think I may faint if I hear it. However, in many occasions, I did feel the presence of the Lord in my life to take certain steps that I would love to run away from. I am very glad that I was able to muck up some courage and took such steps (in fact, in the process of taking such steps right now). It is scary, but the Lord can certainly see so much more than I (Praise the Lord!) and I must put all my faith in him with certain hope in future laid by Him.

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