Joseph And The Technicolour Coat

Today’s Reading: Gen. 37:1 – 38:30

Now we are reading about the famous multicoloured coat of Joseph!

Jacob – now called Israel – favours Joseph out of all his sons. Again, bad choice, but we are no better in making the same mistake over and over…

But, Joseph is not that better, either, since he is an “informer” or he reports his brothers’ bad behaviours back to his father. Joseph further antagonizes his brothers, even his parents, by sharing his dreams. Can you see how 17 years old “boy” brags about his dreams in front of his family? Picture it in your mind!

So his brothers lose their “self-control” (the topic of our children’s ministry for the month of January) and decide to kill Joseph, but by intervention of Reuben, he is thrown into an empty pit without any cloth (yeah, the brothers took the multi-coloured robe of Joseph first before they put Joseph into the pit).

Here comes a twist – Judah, one of the brothers (do you note that there were 12 brothers?), suggests to sell off Joseph, rather than kill him. Do you see the parallel here? The amazing part is that the linage of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, was from this man, Judah (check out Matt. 1:1-17)! Isn’t that interesting?

I wonder about why all of sudden we read about Judah and his unfortunate daughter-in-law, Tamar. In fact, the son of Tamar, Perez, is a part of linage of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. After reading how Perez was conceived, it is quite astonishing how God weaves our history for his purpose without missing any minor characters in His Story.

If I have any doubt as to whether he knows how my life would unfold, I don’t have to look too far, but read this section to know that God knows all and plans all, even (or especially) taking into consideration of all our faults, schemes and follies.

I love a song by the Casting Crowns called “Already there” — “my future is mystery to me, but it is memory to you because you were already there”. Whenever I feel uncertain or unsure, I remember that God is already in my future because he already planned it for me. So I close my eyes and say to God “I don’t know – what’s next? Right or left or stay?”

How do you make your decisions today? Do you want to join me in closing your eyes and asking God for direction before making your own decisions? Try it!

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