God Keeps His Promises

Today’s Reading: Joshua 13:1-12, 14-33; 14:1-15:12, 20-62; 16:1-9; 17:1-10, 14-18

I find it interesting that the Lord “spares” Joshua in his old age “You are very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over” so “I myself will drive them out before the Israelites”.

Then, there is Caleb, who is 85 years old, and still went war and won because “he followed the Lord, the God of Israel, wholeheartedly”. I like this word, “wholeheartedly”. It means “marked by unconditional commitment, unstinting devotion or unreserved enthusiasm” or “without reserve, without reservation”. So if you insert, Caleb “followed the Lord, the God of Israel with unconditional commitment, devotion and enthusiasm.” Do you follow the Lord with such commitment, devotion and enthusiasm?

I also find it interesting that the Lord kept his promise to daughters – if no son, daughters were given the same inherited as sons. But, I note that the daughters went and asked for such inheritance. In many cases, I bet we deserve and will get if only we ask in the first place.

Finally, “So the Lord gave Israel all the land he had sworn to give their forefathers, and they took possession of it and settled there.” This promise did not come easy or immediately, but our God is a promise maker who is ALWAYS a promise keeper. In addition, “the Lord gave them rest on every side”. Don’t you seek that rest only the God can give you?

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