Don’t Panic! It’s Me!

Today’s Reading: Matthew 14:28-33; 15:10-20; Mark 6:34-56; 7:1-23; Luke 9:11; John 6:5-7:1

Have you noticed that the disciples seem to run into trouble only when Jesus is not around? In our portion today, they’re sailing on the lake and a violent windstorm blows up. But Jesus is there, as always, to help them in their hardships.

What’s amazing is that in the middle of the wild winds and waves, Jesus makes a huge statement. Yes, He’d already made a statement by walking out to them, but what He says is even bigger! The words, “It is I,” in the Greek, literally means “I Am.” Sound familiar? That’s the name God called Himself to Moses (Exodus 3:14). So, Jesus is pretty much saying “I’m God,” which He is! But the statement also carries a further thought of “I’m here.” No wonder He told them not to be afraid! God, the Ruler of Heaven and Earth, was present with them.

And we too can be assured that God Himself will be with us in the winds and waves of our lives.

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