Cut & Paste

Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 36; 45

Did you know that U.S. President Thomas Jefferson used a penknife to cut out every portion of the Bible that he didn’t believe was true? Concentrating mostly on the Gospel, he cut out miracles and messages of Jesus that contradicted reason and and rational thought. Jehoiakim was even more ruthless, cutting up every part of Baruch’s scroll and warming himself by adding it to the fire.

Many have had a blatant disregard for God’s word throughout history. Luther’s German Bible, Tyndale’s English translation, shipments of Bibles to China, and so on, have been burned and destroyed; yet, God’s Word remains(!), but not without men (and women) who dedicated their whole lives to passing it on to their contemporaries and the generations to follow.

We need to be more thankful to those who so carefully wrote the original manuscripts (like Baruch), and those who so faithfully copied the originals to give us what we have today! Perhaps the best way to say “thank you” to them is to read, apply, and share what they passed down to us, without using the penknives of doubt and disobedience!

To read more about Thomas Jefferson’s Bible (and find a link to read it online), click here.

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