Banished From Society

Today’s Reading: Leviticus 13; 14:33-57; 15:1-12, 16-27, 31-33; Numbers 5:1-4; Deuteronomy 24:8-9

It seems somewhat satisfying to see we are into the sixties – Day 62. Congratulations! (and to Rob, Eleanor & family – new baby daughter & sister! So today is very special!).

After thinking about today’s reading about a man or woman who was found to have leprosy and given the times in which they lived – in which there was no known cure for leprosy, I can well understand the fright, in finding out that a person had leprosy. The priest became involved and God’s instructions to him were very clear on how to recognize spreading leprosy in the various situations in which it would be found.

For a person with leprosy, found to be leprosy, sometimes there was a period of observation, but if found to be real, it meant banishment from God’s people, family & God’s Camp.

It seems that the characteristics of what we are reading about today are like the characteristics of sin, which brings banishment and chaos into society and even especially into a personal life and family.

However, one thing that surprises me is that when the leprosy had completely spread over the man – head to toe – the man was pronounced clean by the priest. The facts I don’t understand and the whys and wherefores, but I do know that similarly today, when I realize and confess that I can’t cure my own sin and there is no hope for me, then there is hope, because my High Priest, the Lord Jesus, pronounces me “clean,” because Jesus paid the price for my “leprosy” sin! And knowing my sin’s result is eternal banishment and separation, I am filled with praise for His self-sacrificing love for me (like I can just imagine the happiness of the man or woman being found to be “clean” and returning to the comfort and joy of being together again with his family)! And now I too can enjoy the fellowship of being in God’s Family!

I think when it talks about the seriousness of leprosy or whatever it is called in physical things, if it couldn’t be “cured,” and it would be destroyed – shows how seriously God considers the disease, just like He considers sin to be incurable if not dealt with.

And the last section seems to show how one can be tainted with coming into contact with uncleanness! And I know and have experienced how sin can taint the most beautiful things of life!

And so like Israel, God calls us “to be holy in everything you do, just as God – Who chose you to be His children – is holy.” (1 Peter 1:15-16). I am so glad that I am chosen and am His child, aren’t you too? Now the challenge to become like Him through the new life He has given us and His Holy Spirit working continuously in us! So be encouraged today and spend the day with Him!

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