And He Died

God was so merciful upon Cain – Cain was not killed! He was banished! Isn’t it interesting to find that the first capital punishment was a banishment from the presence of God? So if I am not in the presence of God, am I being the same as a first murderer on earth? What a thought!

I don’t particularly like reading genealogy in the Bible — somewhat boring… So-on-so was born and he died, etc. However, for this time, I did read it with using “Pronounce it” method. It was tough at first, but I found something interesting! Enoch – the only one who did not die like all others – “walked with God”. He was the only one whose description said “walked with God” and he did not die…. Isn’t that interesting? In addition, did you note that Adam did not die until Noah was around? Yeah, he was alive almost a thousand year! He, who lived in the Garden of Eden and who “met” God in person, lived to tell his story to his children, grandchildren, etc. for almost one thousand year! But, he was not able to influence upon his children any better after all those years! (he definitely gives me a hope! I always thought I could be a better parent if I had more time, but he proved to me that the time did not matter since he could not do it with almost 1,000 years!)

Don’t forget to do your journal & read your devotion, since my email is only a reminder to you to read your Bible with a bit of my personal learning!

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