
Today’s Reading: Psalm 119

In the spirit of today’s psalm, I’ve written my own acrostic poem…

After reading Psalm 119 today, I want to
Be more grateful for God’s word. I need Him to
Change my heart and teach me His ways! I
Don’t want to forget His words.
Everyone around me may mock the Bible, but it is
Food for my soul.
God has spoken,
How can I ignore Him?
In His word I will trust and believe; not
Just in the good times, when life is easy, but in the hardest times. I
Know His word will never fail me. Even if
Life is tough, as the psalmist says, and
Many relatives, friends, and even strangers reject me, God will
Never, ever let me go!
Open my eyes, Lord!” I will
Pray, “to see how Your word applies to each area of my existence.”
Quietly, I will meditate on His precepts every day; I will
Remember them through the busiest hours of my day,
So that I can apply them to my life even then.
Teach me Your ways, Lord, so that I can
Understand what You desire for me to do. Help me abandon every
Vain thing, such as sin and self,
Which does not honour You. Examine me like an
X-Ray and eradicate every last bit of wrong in me!
You alone, Yahweh, are God; my God! Make me
Zealous for Your word; to learn, love, and live them today, tomorrow, and always.

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